Eating Disorders Treatment
What is an eating disorder?
Eating disorders can develop when a person’s care for their body image becomes obsessive or extreme. They are characterized by severe disturbances in a person’s daily eating habits, for example eating very little or heavy overeating. Eating disorders can also be accompanied by excessing exercise, binge-eating or purging by vomiting or the use of laxatives. These eating problems can develop in both men and women; often occurring in the teenage or young adult age range but can affect people during childhood or into later adulthood as well. Common eating disorders include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge-eating or binge-dieting. Eating disorders are sometimes accompanied by other mental health concerns such as depression, anxiety, substance abuse, trauma and sexual abuse.
What can I do?
If you are concerned that your eating habits are interfering with your daily life and want help managing your eating habits and improving your personal body image, you can contact Dr. Chow for further information or schedule an appointment for therapy for eating disorders.
How will treatment help?
Treatment will be individualized to the specific symptoms you are experiencing and can address any type of food issue from comfort eating to a severe eating disorder, and any additional mental health issues that may be affecting your view of your body image or eating habits. Effective therapy and treatment for bulimia or anorexia is available. However, in some circumstances, your Montreal Psychologist or Therapist may refer you to medical or nutritional professionals for additional treatments to ensure a balanced treatment approach.
This website offers a number of helpful tools and worksheets that can help facilitate change and promote well-being. You are welcome to download the following PDF document(s) or download ADOBE here to download the desired file. These tools are most helpful as an adjunct to therapy. Food Diary
Video Resource
Part Two: Watch part 2 here. Video reproduced with the permission from Douglas Mental Health University Institute
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